Friday, April 1, 2011

I Am Music

I found this poem I had jotted down on a torn piece of yellowed notebook paper while organizing my Mom's pictures and mementos of our school years.  It was such a powerful poem that it touched me now as it must have then.  I share with you.

"I am music."
I am music.
Most ancient of arts.
I am more than ancient; I am enternal.
Even before life commenced upon this earth, I was here; in the wind and the waves. 
When the first trees and flowers and grasses appeared, I was among them. 
And when man came, I at once became the most delicate, most subtle and most powerful medium of the expressing of man's emotions.

When men were little better than beasts, I influenced them for their good. 
In all ages I have inspired men with hope, kindled their love, given a voice to their joys, cheered them on to valorous deeds, and soothed them in time of despair.

I have played a great part  in the drama of life, whose purpose is the complete perfection of man's nature. 
Through my influence human nature has been uplifted, sustained and refined. 
With the aid of man I have become a "fine art."

"I am music."

- Author Unkown

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